Earning with HeadShop.uk

At HeadShop.uk we believe in synergy. If you are in a position to help us sell our brand of CBD products then we can offer you a fair return. The process is very simple! There is no contracts and nothing to sign.

  1. Decide how many customers / sales you think you can easily / realistically direct to us (10, 25, 50 or 100).
  2. Contact us and we will generate a unique coupon code for you. This code will get customers an additional discount.
  3. Direct sales to us and get paid!

You can then renew your code and repeat the process as many times as you want!

The code we generate for you will be set to expire when you have directed your chosen number of sales to us. So for example, you choose to direct 25 customers to us that each make a valid purchase using the code we provide you. The code then expires (stops working) – your commitment is complete and we pay you your % by bank transfer. You choose your level of commitment – from 10 to 100 customers / sales and your % is outlined below.

  • 10 sales = You earn 10%
  • 25 sales = You earn 12.5%
  • 50 sales = You earn 15%
  • 100 sales = You earn 20%

What’s the Catch?

There isn’t a catch. As soon as you meet your sales target (which you choose) you get paid. If you find it too easy you can choose a higher target next time and earn more. For example – if you directed 100 customer sales to us each spending £50 on our brand CBD you would earn £1000!

There are a few rules to be aware of…

  1. You aren’t employed by HeadShop.uk and can not claim that you are or that you represent us. By promoting our CBD products you are simply showing that you have belief in their quality and value with a desire to bring wellness to others.
  2. You can not explicitly claim health benefits due to UK laws. This might sound silly, and it is, but it is illegal to claim a health benefit outside of the pharmaceutical industry in the UK. You can make claims of wellness, and you can link relevant studies or articles showing health benefits. You can of course speak of personal experience with CBD and the experiences of people you know.
  3. The % you earn is based on sales of our brand products only. We stock other brands that we cannot offer this % on due to the smaller profit margins.

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